Friday, February 12, 2010

Ode to...

Bed rest led me to many a random thought.
For example, why are there so many shows about death on tv these days? Or how come my right middle toe is longer than my left middle toe? Or even, I think I can make out a smiley face in the texture on my ceiling...
I also reflected on many of the things that bring me joy while I am laid up... hopefully ending today!
So I sumbit a celebration of 4 things that make me happy right now:
1. Heating Pads- I have one electric and 2 rice bags for the microwave. I've developed specific placement for all 3 that maximize relief. It's odd, but effective.

2. Rachel Ray's Turkey Spanikopita Burgers: a-may-zing! I made them on Monday night and am still dreaming of them. They are full of turkey, spinach, onion, feta and a delicious red pepper cucumber sauce. Oh, how I loved them!

3. Costco- I love my new couch! I love everything Costco sells. Daddy and I often say,
"if Costco has it, we want it". Costco has provided hours of fun for our family on Sunday's after church as well as the necessary supplies of a new family- diapers and formula. How I miss walking your aisles...
4. Feeling my baby boy kick- he is really really strong!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bed Rest

This pregnancy seemed physically harder, but less emotional. Last week I started having serious pains in my hips, back and pelvic region. I just thought it was being 6 months preggo and standing all day while teaching. But, by Friday, I knew something worse was wrong.
Monday I found out I have a separated pubic bone. Hence... all the pain...
I'm on official bed rest until Friday. Then I can return to work while wearing a horrific brace around my hips. It is so uncomfortable. I'm pretty nervous about the next 3 months. I do have a lengthy list of 'stuff to do' from my computer and bed. Including making my list of sewing projects for baby boy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pretty School

Pinkie started pre-school (or as she likes to call it pretty school).
She's going to ABC Children's Academy. It happens to be the school my grandma and aunt own. We went there, our cousins went there and finally, before it closes forever in June, Pinkie will go there. Each Tuesday and Thursday Auntie Shanna picks Pinkie up at my school then takes her to Pinkie school. She stays with Pinkie the whole time (because of Pinkie's young age) and then takes her home, feeds her lunch and naps with her. Then at 3:30p they arrive at my school again with napping faces and hair to tell me about all the fun they had.
It is thrilling to imagine your 2 year old's days- making friends, eating snack, sharing and creating works of art. Our house is covered in her masterpieces.
Auntie Shanna, Grandma and Auntie Kimmie- thank you for allowing us this wonderful experience full of family legacy, memories and special keepsakes.